Hobson Street
Hobson Street, Cambridge
Site Area:
5,385 sqm
Project Stage:
College & Conservation
Architecture, Conservation
Project Information:
PiP were approached to create a new path, repair the boundary wall and existing gates to provide a better connection between two parts of the Christ’s College that are currently divided by the College’s Garden.
The route of the path links the Third and New Courts and the maintenance building on the south side. On the north side, the presence of a rill creates a new simple flat Corten structure; a footbridge, with low side ridges that minimise the impact of the new path in front of the Darwin Portico.
The adjustments to the boundary wall reinforces the wall structurally without affecting the historical character of the historical context. By replacing missing and damaged bricks with source reclaimed handmade clay bricks matching profile, size, colour, pattern/bond and finish of existing, this gives a uniform and regular finish to the whole wall rather than a patchworks of repairs. The sympathetic repairs will contribute to prolong and improve the historic significance of the College and the Conservation area. With this repair, a new gate was required in the curved brick wall (inserted in the twentieth century) at the Master’s Lodge Gate with the creation of a new access from an existing yew hedge.
The design provides high benefit to the College, avoiding conflicts between cyclists, maintenance staff and public traffic in Hobson Street, causing a low level of harm in the College’s Garden. This opportunity to the College resolves the delivery’s issue out, improving the glimpse through the Third Court causing no harm to the appearance of the Conservation Area.