Hillside Ribbon, Orwell
Site Area:
878 sqm
Project Stage:
Developer Work
Architecture, Visualisations
Project Information:
The Hillside residence is situated inconspicuously along the ‘Hillside Ribbon’ in the Orwell neighbourhood. PiP were appointed to design two 3-bedroom dwellings that enhances the existing urban built environment of the area whilst providing a positive statement to the already established architectural character of the neighbourhood.
The form and massing of the dwellings were designed to read as one dwelling, with a front-facing gabled end to plot 1 and a side-facing gabled end. The roof sloping reflects the diverse mix of existing dwellings on the Hillside Ribbon. Internal layouts were designed to maximise usability of space, aiming to provide modern contemporary living. Glass window box extensions have been used to the sides of each dwelling to maximise daylight and outlook from within the living spaces. Natural screening externally softens the boundaries that separates the two plots.
Materiality of the dwellings amplifies the local character through the use of buff and red bricks,
reclaimed grey pantiles and corbelling brick detail. This high-quality development creates viable and vibrant residences that incorporates green spaces and contributes positively to the environment of the existing community.